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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Martin Agency Speaker Prep

Strategic Issue
            Instead of a strategic issue the Agency is facing, I’d like to focus on something they are doing that I think is really cool.  It was called the RVA2NY initiative.  It was started by members of The Martin Agency and designed to send cleaning and food supplies to survivors of Hurricane Sandy.  I thought that this was a really cool thing for the Martin Agency to get behind.  The fact that they really know how to use social media was evident, and the results looked to be very significant.  It’s refreshing to see a company giving back like that, something The Martin Agency seems to do quite often.

Customer/Consumer Perceptions
            Judging by he Facebook and Twitter pages, The Martin Agency is a very well liked company in the eyes of the community.  They use their Facebook page as it should be used; by posting pictures and interacting with other members on the network.  They use their Twitter much differently by posting mainly news articles and links to other sites without much interaction with followers.

Do you hire a majority of your new hires from the VCU Adcenter?

Is it one of the company’s core values to give back to the community?  Because you seem to do so quite a bit.  And does this create a positive buzz about the organization throughout the local area?


Monday, November 12, 2012

Wieden + Kennedy Speaker Prep

Strategic Issue
            Wieden has recently been pitted against DraftFCB for an ad campaign for Oreos for the 2013 Super Bowl.  DraftFCB currently has the campaign for Oreos, but the corporation must have it’s doubts about Draft.  The Super Bowl is a huge venue for advertising and the stress to create another ad comparable to their successful “Made in Detroit” ad than ran in last year’s Super Bowl much be heavy.

Customer/Consumer Perceptions
            Judging by their facebook and twitter pages, I would say that customer perceptions are positive.  They have a lot of friends and followers and although there wasn’t as much fan interaction as I would have liked to see, there was still some and it appeared positive.

Does knowing that an ad will run during the Super Bowl ad more stress to the creative process?  Do you add more resources and take longer to make sure the ad campaign is perfect?
Does knowing that you’re competing with another agency kick the process up a gear?  Does it add a bit more drive knowing that you have to produce or you no longer have the gig?


Modea Speaker Prep

Got MILK? Speaker Prep

Strategic Issue
            It was hard to find a strategic issue the campaign itself was facing.  Most of the things I found had to do with new celebrities signing on to classic milk mustache ad.  But what I believe the strategic issue here keeping the campaign relevant and up to date.  It is such a well-known campaign and the problem is making sure that consumers don’t get lost in the repetitiveness.

Customer/Consumer Perceptions
            Got Milk? is an iconic campaign and well recognized with any person who has grown up in the past 15 years.  With that said, their presence on social media sites is lack luster.  They tweet very sporadically and the same goes for their Facebook page.  When they do post something on Facebook, they do not typically have very many “likes” or comments at all.

How do you keep the campaign front and center in the consumer’s eye?
How do you maintain such a long running campaign with such little variation?
